Local and global champions trust us.

Boehringer Ingelheim

Boehringer Ingelheim is a leading German pharmaceutical company driven by science. We are proud collaborators with Boehringer Ingelheim on various topics.


Evonik champions innovative active ingredients, nutraceuticals and compounds. In our joint projects, we combine Perfood’s expertise in data science, microbiome and –omics technologies with Evonik’s market leading knowhow in nutraceuticals.

University of Lübeck, Leibnitz Centre Borstel

We are proud to support science and proud to contribute. Our technology and mobile app serve academic partners subject recruitment and engagement. Our versatile app allows academic partners to gather data standardized, reliably and contactless, giving an edge on pushing ambitious scientific projects to excellent results in no time.

Der Echte Norden

Reaching for the stars, but knowing where we are coming from. We are a proud member of our regional science and industry network. Lübeck, our beloved home, was built on the tradition of trade and exploration. Lübeck: a sailor town, situated at one of the most beautiful landscapes of the Baltic Sea, UNESCO world heritage and harbor to Germany’s leading life science and technology Universities with Leibnitz, Max-Planck and Fraunhofer Institutes nearby.
Among others, Perfood has received a non-refundable R&D grant from the prestigious BFEI program of Schleswig-Holstein for developing a digital therapy for the treatment of female infertility.