Nearly 80% of drug spending, $3.4 trillion annually, and about 20% of U.S. economic output, is spent on therapies for conditions that could be prevented or treated through lifestyle changes.¹ Perfood develops and markets digital prevention and therapeutics products. All of Perfood’s products have a common basis. Personalized low-glycemic diet and lifestyle modifications are central to all our products. This "active ingredient" in our products, helps us to achieve market-leading effectiveness.
When blood sugar remains stable, it is easier to lose weight and prevent inflammation in the body. While it used to be assumed that there were "good" and "bad" foods, it is now known that postprandial blood sugar responses vary completely from person to person. Numerous factors are responsible for this, including a person's anthropometry, lifestyle, and the individual expression of the gut microbiome and human DNA. Glucose metabolism is a key factor in the development and progression of numerous diseases. Blood glucose spikes – followed by heavy insulin secretion – lead to weight gain and metabolic inflammation. A derailed blood-glucose metabolism can lead to obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus and its sequelae, for example heart attack, stroke and various cancers. In addition, blood glucose fluctuations promote the development of numerous other diseases, including acne, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, polycystic ovary syndrome, menopausal symptoms, atrial fibrillation, dementia and depressive disorder. Low blood glucose may induce an energy deficit in our brain and can lead to migraine. These disorders can be alleviated by stabilizing the blood glucose variation. For some of these diseases, no effective drug therapies are currently available. In others, a digital therapy can have a direct benefit or may reduce side-effects of drugs.
The figure shows the variety of blood glucose responses for different common foods.² Each black dot represents the blood glucose response to the corresponding meal for a participant. The colored bars represent the 75% range of responses and the black bar represents the median.
Glycemic responses are subjects to many confounding factors. Sleep, stress, activity, overall dietary habits, medication or supplements can impact our glycemic response.
Perfood has developed a unique technology using continuous glucose monitoring and artificial intelligence to render the most accurate analyses of glycemic responses. This technology is the heart of our digital therapeutics and prevention products. Find out more.
1)3.4 trillion in the USA extrapolated to Europe and the USA,
2) Perfood data